5 Best Music Bands From Ukraine

TOP 5 Best Music Bands From Ukraine

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Ukraine has many awesome talented music artists, singers, bands and musicians. You can find great music of any genre there. Local artists often bring in national vibes to their music. Which makes it even more interesting. If you’ve never listened to any Ukrainian music, this is a perfect place to start. Because I have selected 5 Best bands from this country for you to enjoy.

The list was made considering such factors as band’s popularity, music quality and originality, success and cultural impact. There are other great artists, but these 5 stand out the most.

Okean Elzy

Okean Elzy is a legendary Ukrainian rock band. They have been the most popular group in the country since their debut album. The band is loved for their powerful deep lyrics and beautiful music. Formed in 1994, they have become one of Ukraine’s most beloved bands ever.

To give you an idea of how they sound here’s one of their songs:


BoomBox (Бумбокс) is a rare music group that can perfectly mix together rock, hip-hop, funk, soul and other genres to create a unique sound that’s truly unique. Since their formation in 2004 they remained active and to this day release awesome hits. Their original style and catchy tunes keep the fans asking for more.


The HARDKISS is a relatively new band. Yet they quickly rose to the top of the music scene in Ukraine. It is a rock band that blends amazing female vocals with electronic elements, folk instruments, acoustics. Their live performances are always great.

Odyn v Kanoe

Odyn v Kanoe is an acoustic band that creates beautiful soulful and introspective music. It’s soothing and relaxing. The lyrics are deep and often touch on difficult topics. Their simplicity and emotional depth make them one of Ukraine’s most cherished music treasures.

And here’s a great collaboration between Odyn v Kanoe and another Ukrainian band from this list Okeay Elzy:

Vopli Vidopliassova (VV)

VV, short for Vopli Vidopliassova, is a pioneering Ukrainian rock band formed in 1986. Their sound went through some changes but it was always different from anything else I have heard. It’s a surprising mix of punk rock and intense folk influences. They are undoubtedly one of a kind music group from Ukrainian scene.

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