TOP 10 best songs by SYML

SYML Best Songs – TOP 10 Hits


These are the best songs by SYML – a solo project of immensely talented Brian Fennell. If you love alternative pop, indie or just music that stands out no matter the genre, this is something you you will enjoy.

SYML is a unique blend of calm, deep, touching music with minimalistic vocals. Paired with beautiful piano, acoustic and sometimes elements of modern synth it all comes perfectly together. I highly recommend checking the entire discography. And if you want to listen to the the Top-10 songs that I personally consider his best, here’s the list.

TOP 10 Greatest Songs by SYML:

  1. Fear of the Water
  2. The Dark
  3. Symmetry
  4. Where’s My Love
  5. The Bird
  6. Body
  7. Clean Eyes – Acoustic
  9. Meant to Stay Hid
  10. Lost Myself

Enjoy the playlist on Spotify

All these songs are also available via my YouTube playlist. Simply hit the play button down below and all the Top 10 tracks will play out.

As always, if you like this music, show love to the artist and follow them on their media channels.

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