Best Music To Listen While Reading
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Best Music To Listen While Reading

Reading is one of the most relaxing and fun activities we can easily enjoy. All you need is some time and a good book of your favorite genre. And then you just let the author take you on a journey to a different world, different time, life, universe.

But sometimes we do have loud distractions around us which can break the immersion and distract us from the book. That’s why so many people like to have music on the background while they read. Some prefer soft melodies, others like white noise, and some even listen to heavy metal tunes.

While it comes down to personal preferences, there are certain basic principles that you may want to take into account while choosing a playlist for you reading:

I like reading myself and I enjoy various literature genres. Though a good science fiction or a fantasy novel is what I go with most of the time. And because I also love music I have tried every music style possible to see what fits better. So now I’m happy to share my experience.

Music That Doesn’t Distract

As much as you may like music, it can be a distraction to the reading process. If you keep pausing and thinking about the tune playing on the background, you won’t be concentrating on the book itself. So you might miss important story details. Or just won’t get into a mood the author intended you to experience. That breaks the immersion and ruins the overall effect.

So whatever music you end up listening to, make sure it’s just a background sound wall, not a distraction. The whole purpose of having a nice playlist is to help you concentrate on what you are reading. To block out the unnecessary noises of your surrounding.

Best Music Genres For Reading

There are several music genres that are generally more suitable for reading. They work great by blocking the outside noise. They also provide a nice vibe and set the introspective mood. While not interfering with what’s going on in the book. Consider one of these genres the next time you want to read something.

Contemporary Classical

It’s no secret that classical music is a common choice to listen to while reading. And famous compositions by likes of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and other legendary composers are often recommended. But contemporary classical music gets often overlooked. Unjustly I might add.

Have you heard of Ludovico Einaudi or Max Richter for example? These are amazing contemporary composers who create extraordinary and beautiful music. You might have heard their music in various movies without even realizing who wrote those scores. Just to name a few films and shows: HBO series The Last of Us, Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island, trailer for the Black Swan, horror film Insidious.

Their music is instrumental, so there’s no lyrics that would potentially distract you. And they have plenty of calm moody tracks that are great as a sound background.


Ambient music is also a great potential genre choice for reading. This music is not too loud, it has no lyrics and doesn’t have harsh bursts of sound. All that makes it a great option. What’s also nice is that there are plenty of artists who create music in this style.

And because ambient often takes influences from other genres like classic, avant-garde, experimental music you can find literally hundreds of tunes with all kinds of vibes.

I can recommend checking out artists like Stars Of The Lid, Brian Eno, William Basinski

Electronic & Lofi

Soft electronic tune can be a great way to create a nice soundscape. Not only this kind of music will block the noise around you, but it can can also set a pleasant flow to your reading. It’s one of the reasons I recommended it in Best Music to Listen When Studying post.

A good quality lofi track list will provide hours of calm & chill music background, which is neutral in its emotional spectrum. Lofi can work with most of the literature genres.

And there are more than enough lofi trip hop playlists online. One of the most popular one is this:

White Noise As Alternative

But if you feel like even the most minimalist music is still way too disruptive, you can try the white noise. What is it?

White noise is a type of noise that contains all different sound frequencies played at the same time, making it sound like a consistent, static hiss. It’s like the sound of a TV or radio when it’s not tuned to a station. White noise is often used to mask other sounds because it can help block out distracting noises, making it easier to focus or sleep.

Other examples of white noise include:

  • A running fan: The consistent hum produced by a fan.
  • Air conditioner noise: The steady sound of an air conditioner running.
  • Vacuum cleaner: The continuous, unvarying sound of a vacuum cleaner.
  • Hairdryer: The constant hum of a hairdryer in use.

Another variation is “pink” noise, which has a more balanced, natural sound compared to the harsher quality of white noise. A great example of it would be the sound of rain. It is more soothing and is easier to enjoy for most.

Other pink noise examples include:

  • Heartbeats: The rhythmic sound of a heartbeat.
  • Rustling leaves: The gentle sound of wind moving through trees.
  • Ocean waves: The consistent crashing and receding of waves on a beach.
  • Wind blowing: The sound of wind moving steadily through an area.


A good selection of music may enhance the effect a book can have on you. The right song or tune in the right moment of the story creates a unique and strong experience. A truly magical moment that would stay with you for a very long time.

So if you do feel like you need to have something playing in your headset while you enjoy a read, try one of the genres and artists I listed above. And don’t be afraid to experiment with other styles.

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