Sad Music helps dealing and managing depression, feelings of sadness
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Best Music to Listen When You Are Sad

Music has numerous positive effects on us. While some people experience deeper reactions, almost everyone feels its impact. There is plenty of scientific evidence showing that music significantly impacts our emotions, how we feel. The effect often depends on what we listen to in particular.

Did you notice what songs you usually play when you are happy? And what music you choose when you are sad or angry? It’s most likely absolutely different kinds and genres of music, right? And contrary to popular belief happy light pop songs are often not the best choice if you feel down, said or just have a low mood. It’s quite the opposite actually.

It might sound counter intuitive, but that’s what thousands of people stand by. Moreover, many researches and studies back up this observation.

Sure, we all are different, and we all may have different things that work best for us. But there’s definitely enough data to suggest that “sad” music works. So you might consider trying it yourself.

Official Studies Of Sad Music Effects

Before I even researched this topic, I have noticed this about myself long ago. I’ve been listening to all kinds of music since I was kid. So I have tons of personal experience and it was easy to analyze it. What I realized is that emotional, sad or heavy music was my preferred choice whenever I felt down, or depressed, or sad. It intrigued me, because it seemed a bit counter intuitive.

You would think that one should combat certain negative effects with the polar opposite ones. Like when you want to cool something hot you put it in a freezing environment. Or if we are talking about feelings, you don’t calm down an angry person by shouting angrily in their face. You are trying to approach them with calmly instead.

But this effect of sad music has been noticed by many thousands of people. It was a common observation, so it got attention of scientists and researchers. And they did find evidence that sad music can actually help you with processing heavy emotions.

Official Studies Of Sad Music Effects

A study conducted by a group of researchers in 2015 highlighted that depressed participants were indeed more likely to choose sad music. However their guess at the time was that it was because the participants preferred to continue to feel sad. Somewhat questionable conclusion. Which was challenged later on.

A more recent study done by Emotion journal in 2020 found that people with depression often prefer sad music not because they want to feel sad, but because it is relaxing, calming, or soothing for them. Contrary to previous beliefs, this study demonstrated that listening to sad music did not maintain a low mood – but instead made the participants feel better, providing emotional relief and a sense of kinship with the music. This last conclusion makes more sense and corresponds with my own observations.

Then there was also a study done by Emporia State University which examined how different music genres affect mood. It was found that participants reported increased feelings of ease and reduced anxiety after listening to their favorite music genres. So no matter the genre, even if it’s heavy metal or simply sad music, there are positive effects on mood. As long as music aligns with the listener’s preferences, it is beneficial.

Sad Music vs Depression

As you can see many of the studies looked into the effects of music on people with history of depression. Which is not surprising, given how widespread depression became nowadays. As the world we live in gets more layered and complicated, mental and emotional pressures seem to increase drastically.

Fortunately, such condition as depression gets more attention, with more potential remedies being researched. And music is one of them. For example there was a study about Emotional Responses to Music. It focused on effects of music therapy on depression in particular.

The key points of that study are:

  • Effectiveness: Both music therapy and music medicine significantly reduced depressive symptoms.
  • Greater Impact: Music therapy, which involves active engagement with music, had even larger effect compared to music medicine, which involves simply listening to music.
  • Optimal Conditions: Longer and more frequent music therapy sessions were associated with greater reductions in depression.

Given that music is readily available to us, it’s fair to say it should be used as a therapeutic method more actively. So if it’s sad music that you prefer it also may have a positive effect. By no means this should not make sad music a singular solution for dealing with depression, but it can be a part of the remedy.

Why Sad Music Can Help

I’m sure there will be more studies conducted in future. But it doesn’t stop you or me, or anyone else from analyzing and wondering why exactly sad music can have such a positive effect on us. I gave this question my share of consideration and time; and I can summarize three main reasons why and how sad music works:

  1. Sad music is relatable when you’re already in a similar mood. When you are sad, cheerful tunes often seem out of place, they do not resonate as well. Something more thoughtful and introspective just reaches through the barriers we have easier. These melodies resonate better.
  2. Sad music has usually deep lyrics. Lyrics can be a big part of what makes a song a “sad” one. Happy pop hits are typically not written about sad moments. That’s not a knock on the pop genre, that’s simply a fact. And if you feel stressed about something, there’s a chance a sad song tells a story about something similar. Hearing someone’s relatable experience help to process you own feelings.
  3. Sad music acts as a medium channel for our emotions. We react to music because of the way our brain is wired, how our nervous system is set up, how hormones work. All this in combination makes us feel different depending on what we listen to. Whatever happens in our body it seems like sad music help us calm down, face our own heavy emotions, recognize them and subsequently let them go.

It doesn’t mean you should only listen to light hearted songs when you are happy, and turn on sad tracks when you are feeling down. Also if happy music makes you feel better and helps you when you’re distressed, then of course play it. If something improves your well-being, go for it! There’s no bad music if it works for you, as the studies show. But these are specific reasons why sad music works in particular.

Music Playlist To Listen When Feeling Sad

Obviously there are many forms of sadness, many stages of depression and other shades of negative emotions. If you feel bad, it’s always a sound idea to seek professional help. But if you are sure that you don’t have a severe case and you feel comfortable that you will deal with these emotions yourself – use music as an additional source of treatment.

I have a playlist that might be just what you are looking for. It’s a mix of tracks that evoke calm, sometimes sad, bittersweet feelings and invites introspective mood. This is a playlist of emotional music that I hope may be of help to you.

Just hit the play button and and the songs will play one by one automatically.

Same playlist on Spotify:


Music is a powerful instrument that we can use anytime we want. No matter the genre or style. If you like it – enjoy it. It has been proven that music can effect out emotional, mental, and physical state. And sad music in particular does a really good job by helping many to cope with difficult feelings, sadness, depression.

I hope the playlist I prepared will do the job and help you feel better.

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