Moving Atlas - best alt rock band you never heard of.

Moving Atlas: Best Band You’ve Never Heard About

Do you like progressive rock? Or maybe alternative rock? Or just rock in general? And how about super smooth melodies that explode into awesome bursts of sound? If you like any of that, you will enjoy music by a band called Moving Atlas.

Not much can be found abound the group on the internet, because the band is not that active on socials and was never thrown to the top of popularity charts. And that in itself just shows one more time that great doesn’t always mean famous. You have to get lucky, catch an opportunity to become noticed. And million things can go wrong or just don’t play out right.

But hey, if you are reading this, then you somehow found a fabulous music band that has incredible songs. So maybe sometimes things do go the right way.

Who are the Moving Atlas? Short Bio

Moving Atlas - the band photo

Moving Atlas is a five-piece progressive alt. rock band from Dallas, Texas. The band was formed in 2005. The band’s primary official channel is their FB page. At the time of writing their website is not working any longer.

Members of the band: Ricky Dansby ~ guitar, Ben Scott ~ guitar, Geoff Lucke ~ bass, Dunagin Gaines ~ vocals.

For the latest news about the band you can check their official socials.

Music Style of Moving Atlas

Moving Atlas’s music style is a fusion of progressive rock, alternative rock, and acoustics. Yes, on their best album “Et Al” you will find absolutely exceptional songs with acoustic guitar. Their sound is characterized by very memorable melodies that remind ocean waves. One moment they are super calm, soothing. And they slowly carry you across the vastness of your imagination. And the next moment they hit you with powerful energy and truly nice rock feeling, bringing back to reality.

What makes Moving Atlas so special?

The vocals, the melodies, the sound, the talent. You know, the usual components of the outstanding music group. But also the undeniable touch of something bigger. This is one of the cases, when a band could achieve greatness. Maybe in one album, or maybe just in one song. It’s up to you to decide. But they did it.

Best Song by Moving Atlas

Moving Atlas have both fast/loud hits and tranquil song. Depending on your mood you will pick one of those. And when your state of mind changes, you will change your pick to the other one. And will like it just the same.

I have made a custom playlist of TOP 10 songs by Moving Atlas. This list has their greatest songs. Songs for all kinds of moods. It’s available on YT or Spotify, so enjoy it as you wish.

But for the vey first song you are going to hear by them I suggest “No Ordinary Love”. It’s a cover of a very well known hit by Sade. And it’s probably one of the first songs by Moving Atlas that I heard many years ago.

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